This is our created poster for our 'Parallel Minds' production. As you can see, the use of the red slightly faded reflected text located at the top of the poster poses as something significant which the audience is supposed to notice. In terms of framing, the text is located towards the top of the poster, suggesting it is one of the more prominent features of the poster. The fact that the text is a devilish red colour suggests that this film will include conventions of a typical Psychological/Horror genre movie as the colour red is commonly linked to gore, horror, uneasyness of the situation, fear ect.
The fact that the text is reflected also links to the title of the film 'Parallel Minds' as the text is mirrored 'Parallel' to the title, which conveys the idea that this film will include an almost alter ego of a character, another side or way in which they are viewed. And due to the fact it is faded as it is reflected suggests that this alter ego of this character in the film is rather siniter, psychotic and something to be feared, which meets many conventions of a typical Pyschological/Horror genre movie. The main focus of the poster however are the two halves of the faces of either side of the poster in the middle, but rather large and prominent suggesting this is the main focus of the poster which the audience should otice first.
The fact that it is framed so the images are located in the centre of the poster but towards the sides rather largely also suggests that this is clearly the main focus of the poster. The fact that the half of the face on the left, is presented in black and white and the other half is presented in colour with clear blood splatters across the face also once again suggests the alter ego of the character presented in the poster. It also suggests to the audience that this characters alter ego is sinister and psychotic once again due to the fact that the half with the blood on the face is in colour, as the caharcter pulls a crazy expresssion, suggesting this is truley who he is as if he has 'come to life' when he is this ego, it also suggests he perhaps has a history of mental illness or pschizophrenia as he has these two alter egos in the first place.
The half of the face in black and white clearly suggests his rather boring ego, with no emotion or care as there is no facial expression pulled and is presented in black and white. This suggests that this side of his alter ego is boring due to the fact it is presented in the boring colour of black and white. Due to these factors, the use of the two halves of the faces as alter egos, one being psychotic while the other bland and emotionless, conveys a sense of mystery, fearfullness and conforms to conventions once again, of a typical Pysychological/Horror movie. The use of the blood splatter across the face of the crazy alter ego side suggests this film being advertised to the audience will include gore, and will be horrific, and the audience can convey the idea that this character clearly has a past of psychological illness.
Overall, in terms of mise en scene, the use of the different features of this poster i.e, the sinister faded text in red, the black background with the two different halves of the faces representing different egos, 'Parallel' to each other, convey the typical conventions of a horror genre film. This overall suggests that when the audience view this poster, they will convey the idea that this film will be horrific due to these conventions, which will attract the different target audiences of teens and above.
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